You Can Be a Powerful Advocate
We need your help to win policies, services, and supports needed to make San Francisco a diverse, compassionate, and welcoming place for all of us. Read more about our current advocacy efforts.
We encourage you to speak about these issues directly to your Supervisor. First, look up your district using this tool. Contact information for all members of the Board of Supervisors is available at for Communicating with Decision Makers
To be as effective as possible in talking with your Supervisor or other decision maker:
- Make it personal and keep it positive. For example, how are existing services and supports specifically making a difference in your life?
- Be specific in what you’re asking for. Is it funding for a particular program? It is a commitment to a certain policy?
- Keep it short and thank them for their public service. By keeping your message brief, it will be more memorable. You’ll be remembered even more if you thank the person for their public service and support of seniors and people with disabilities.
Relevant Agencies and Councils
These government agencies and commissions are additional venues to get involved in and influence decision makers through.
- San Francisco Department of Aging and Adult Services
- San Francisco Department of Public Health
- Aging and Adult Services Commission
- Aging and Adult Services Advisory Council
- Long Term Care Coordinating Council
- The San Francisco Food Security Task Force