Did you miss our fun 2020 Broken Sidewalks Quack Me Up! Contest? Don’t worry! Click here to watch some videos of our winners getting their awards, check out the full program, and see some fun pictures from our kick-off event!

SF Sidewalk Search Party Meetings: Help us make sidewalks safer! Contact Jennifer at jennifer@sfcommunityliving.org or 650-488-0259 to join our (now virtual) meetings.
The SF Sidewalk Search Party has been meeting since May 2019. This community-driven group has been strategizing ways to educate City departments and private construction sites on making sure temporary pathways around construction areas are accessible for all types of mobility.
As part of our work, we created a Sidewalk Bill of Rights outlining the conditions that all temporary paths of travel should meet.
To get involved in the Sidewalk Search Party, email Jennifer Walsh at jennifer@sfcommunityliving.org or call 415-821-1003, ext. 111 and join our Facebook Sidewalk Search Party group.
Quacked Sidewalks Campaign

Duck Squad waddling orders: Take a picture of an inaccessible sidewalk with a duck in the corner and post your photos to the SF Sidewalk Search Party Facebook page!
Before the shelter-in-place, we planned a community action to bring attention to inaccessible paths of travel at construction sites along South Van Ness. With our new reality of social distancing, we have planned a virtual activity instead, to help us practice in our own neighborhoods. This will help us prepare for when we’re all together in person to bring attention to inaccessible paths of travel at construction sites with a mass 311 mobilization!
Duck Squad Shelter-in-Place Waddling Orders: Take a picture of an inaccessible sidewalk with a duck in the corner and post your photos to the SF Sidewalk Search Party Facebook page! (Note: You must “join” the page first.)
Campaign Resources:
- Presentation from 4/27/20 Zoom Talk
- Download, print, and share our low vision duck and wheeled duck cutouts for your photos.
How to Use 311 to Report Inaccessible Sidewalks
It’s easy — and important! — to report inaccessible, unsafe sidewalks to the City using 311. Download and share a flyer with 311 reporting instructions. There are three ways to contact 311 in San Francisco: call 311 from your 415 phone (or 415-701-2311 outside of SF), download and use the SF 311 app (iOS, Android), or go to the sf311.org website.
When reporting to 311, be sure to include the following information:
- Location. A street address is required, so just use the closest address when the location is vague.
- Photo. A photo helps the City understand the problem.
- Description. Make sure to describe the problem, even if you submit a photo.