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Qigong: Chinese Yoga with David Wei (English & Chinese 中文; Virtual)
January 24 @ 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Bend, stretch, and smile with renowned martial arts instructor, David Wei. The Chinese have an idiom, “Good circulation – good health.” From this view, stasis is the root cause of all degenerative conditions, making movement the primary means of preventative health care. Daoists have maintained countless methods of movement aimed at improving health by simply improving circulation. Participants will learn to assess their own vascular health along with various methods for improving overall circulatory function. No experience is necessary. All are welcome.
To join by phone, dial 888-475-4499 (toll-free) or 669-900-6833 (local).
Enter Meeting ID: 875 2188 4135, then press # twice.
To join with video, click this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87521884135to register and join. Wait in the “waiting room” until the activity is ready to start.
Click on this sentence if you have issues joining the class by Zoom.
Only join about 10-15 minutes before this event starts. You do not need to sign up beforehand.
To create a friendly environment and minimize interruptions, we will close the activity to new participants 15 minutes after the start time. The above link will work on your tablet or your computer. You’ll be prompted to download a Zoom app the first time you use Zoom. If you’re using a PC or Mac, you can join from your web browser without using the Zoom software.
跟一位有名望的氣功老師, 魏资容, 一起彎腰,伸展筋骨和微笑。中國人有句話 ” 好的血液循環, 等于身體健康”。 人缺乏鍛鍊,身體發虛。運動能提防不同的健康問題。道教徒保持了無數種運動方法,旨在通過改善血液循環來改善健康。學習怎樣評估自己的脈絡健康狀況以及各種改善血液循環的方法。無需有經驗。歡迎所有人。
通過電話參加,打888-475-4499 (免費電話)或 669-900-6833 (本地電話)。首先按會議ID:875 2188 4135, 然後按 # 兩次。
通過視頻參加,點擊此連結: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87521884135 請在“等候室”稍等一下,主持人會召開視頻會議。