We have to step up our efforts to not be forgotten as we struggle to age and thrive in our own home and communities. Funding for services and supports has not keeping pace with the demographics despite the fact that older adults are the fastest growing age group in the City. Combined with the number of younger adults with disabilities, we are nearly a third of San Francisco residents. And now the City’s budget woes make it more likely that we will be forgotten in favor of all the issues that make the headlines.
The Dignity Fund Coalition, with support from the Community Living Campaign and other organizations, is launching this year’s public awareness budget campaign on the theme of Forget Me Not. Learn more here.
We are set to go to the Dept. of Disability and Aging Commission meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 7, 9:30 at City Hall, Room 416 or view on www.SFGovTV.org Channel 78. Material provided the Commission in advance linked here.
We are looking to have 100’s of flowers grow – little knitted and crocheted ones in “forget me not” blues. They will be part of deliveries and presentations to the Mayor, Supervisors, and other policy makers who can help us. They will accompany short postcards that invite people to talk about why they are feeling forgotten and where more support could make all the difference.
At right is a pictures of what one finish product might look like. Here is a link to patterns with 3 ways to create – knit, crochet, and paper flowers. They contain more pictures and detailed instructions
We are happy to provide material, printed instruction and even hook you up with someone who can show you how!
And see more flowers growing!
You can connect with us and learn more about the project and the larger campaign at flowerpower@sfcommunityliving.org.